What is deadSun -MAXIMAL-?

 deadSun -MAXIMAL- is my ongoing Errant campaign. It is an 'old-school' style sandbox hexcrawl through a gothic science-fantasy western wasteland seeded with new-school OSR modules and my own material. It is based on the Crystal Frontier adventures by Gus L. of All Dead Generations, Leo Hunt's Vaults of Vaarn, and Luka Rejec's Ultraviolet Grasslands. A full list of the published adventures I'm using will be kept updated below as my players uncover them in play. Play reports are indexed below.

 deadSun -MAXIMAL- is inspired by the Vampire Hunter D films, Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun, Angel's Egg, Philippe Druillet's 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane, Trigun, Fallout: New Vegas, and Portland haunted western band The Silver Triplets of the Rio Hondo


A quick primer on the game's style can be found here.


Winter, Month of Newfirst, Year 1V49

Spring, Month of Lastmonth, Year 1V49


    Players... don't click these! Don't read 'em!    

- Ultraviolet Grasslands (sprinkled throughout)

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