Monday, October 30, 2023

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 05 9 Days Remaining

 4th of Lastmonth, 1V39

Returning Characters:
- Gemini, a mutant sphinx-cat Violent errant
Art by Ramón Perales Cano 
from Temple of 1000 Swords

- Kestrel, a robot Deviant
- Hipsap Sanvalli, former ratcatcher human occultist

New NPCs:
- Breezy Pete, enthralled to serve the Sword God of the Cave
- Sword God of the Cave

- A Deviant's successful wager can render an attack sufficiently 'magical' as to harm a mundane weapon-immune creature.

- Priestly Headpiece (treasure, 1/2 slot, worth 400cp)
- The Door Sword (1 slot) - has a doorknob on the pommel. Kill someone with it and then speak aloud where you wish to go; the body will split open like a door, revealing a bloody staircase to your destination. Only works once.

The party as a whole received the following curse:


We picked up with the Company in the depths of the mysterious sword-strewn cavern locked in battle with an undead wight. Battle commenced and the Company remained unable to damage the creature with mundane weaponry. Kestrel failed a wager and induced a berserker state in the wight, its eyes glowing like scorching coals as it leapt about the cavern with mutant speed. Gemini attempted a minor magical feat to root the wight in place with Tomb Crystal, which failed dramatically, exposing all members of the company to Tomb Crystal dust. Hipsap damaged the creature with a blast of moldy maleficence but in the process exhausted her last prepared sorcery. Gemini then sprinted off into deeper into the caves, taking the party's only flickering torch with them. Kestrel sprinted off in the opposite direction into complete darkness and leveled their flintlock pistol at the wight. They wagered that they knew the secret technique of landing complex trick shots against distant weapon-immune undead in total darkness and that it was a common pass-time in the caves where they grew up. They succeeded and the resulting sneak attack was greatly enhanced, slaying the wight handily.

The party regrouped and encountered a weeping ghost that made all of their swords heavy as lead, which quickly disappeared. Passing through a northern door they bumped into a disheveled man who was busily gathering armloads of materials and muttering 'more swords' repeatedly, who they quickly identified from his stylish clothing and once-coifed hair as the man they had been searching for, Breezy Pete. Pete at first gave the party no mind but he seemed drawn to Hipsap's mutant rat corpse sword and slowly trudged after them, following it.

Once the party had returned with Pete to the central cathedral-like vestibule, the massive statue at its northern end roared to molten life. "WHO DARES KIDNAP MY WARD?" it asked. The party engaged in a series of negotiations and huddles. They learned that the being in the statue was keeping Pete under some sort of eternal-sword-making enchantment to fulfill a blood debt, as he had killed the being's champion; if they party sought to recover Pete they would have to clear his blood debt. They eventually agreed. The statue handed Gemini The Door Sword and the ruby in its forehead filled the chamber with an eerie light. "KILL NINE PEOPLE IN NINE DAYS WITH SWORDS," it bellowed, "OR DIE." Once the covenant is filled, the being claimed, Pete would be released from his enchantment and the Company would be free to return and collect him.

The Company resolved to leave Pete behind in the safety of the cave while they struck out on their murderquest, spending 2 Watches traveling through the Yellow Hills to the east with their sights on the Village of Hog, marking off supplies as they went. The sun fell and they made camp in a peaceful hidden glade, the night's watch passing uneventfully. Next session will open with them breaking their camp for the morning and beginning the SECOND DAY of the curse.

The Company's current whereabouts and surroundings.

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