Sunday, October 22, 2023

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 01 Murkvey's Rock Recap

Cover of Gus L.'s adventure module Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier

    We started our campaign around the end of August using Gus L's excellent Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier, meeting our three adventurers along with Adipose Mab's mule train. They are:

- Gemini (they/he), a Violent errant of Arcane ancestry, a mutant sphinx-cat-person and wielder of polearms
- Kestrel (they), a Deviant errant of Adaptable ancestry, a sentient robotic sphere with the Survival and Sleight of Hand proficiencies
- Hipsap Sanvalli (she/her), an Occult errant of Tough ancestry, a human and former rat-catcher, now a seeker of tomes

Much transpired in the four or five sessions they spent beneath Murkvey's Rock. Surprisingly, none were killed. The party completed the scouting for Mab as per the terms of their deal and then departed for nearby Scarlet Town due to the copious wounds that rendered most of them hobbling. A stream of consciousness, roughly sequential summary of events that may reverberate into the future follows.

- Hipsap was cursed by strange shadows moving beneath the surface of a crystal to feel a supernatural compulsion toward truth and duty. Thus far she hasn't seen what happens if she defies it.

- Gemini took one level of crystal poisoning.

- Kestrel had both of their legs broken, over and over, by different things, multiple times.

- The party learned of strange mechanisms installed in the walls and floors of an opulent throne room. In another vision they saw a Mad King incinerate a disloyal courtier by pressing a button on said throne.

- The party met and handily slew a powerful gosbear, then skinned it and turned its pelt over to Adipose Mab as treasure, concealing a few smaller grave goods on their persons as she searched their bags. She was none the wiser.

- The party parlayed with a mass grave of crystal-studded zombies. Hipsap was able to convince them that the party was not a threat by use of a sorcery that makes her sickly and generates amity, Bless Body.

- The party also met the heavily crystal-poisoned gem robber Murkvey. A successful wager from Kestrel established that Kestrel and Murkvey are old bosom buds and the party was greeted warmly by him and his men. Murkvey asked Kestrel if they too sought 'The Orb.' Kestrel confirmed they did. Murkvey was pleased and claimed to have seen 'The Orb' in countless dreams and visions among the crystals, at one point calling it 'The Orb of the King'. He asked Kestrel to retrieve it for him, who happily obliged. [The party departed from Murkvey's Rock without delivering it or so much as bidding farewell to their dear bosom bud; it remains to be seen if this will catch up with them.]

- The party did battle with a strange mineral ghost, a Hunting Echo.

- The party cracked the tomb's arcane Puzzle Door and managed to retrieve a massive opulent crown from a dark room filled with trick mirrors.

- The party passed through a room of 6' tall strange thrumming prisms with shadows writhing inside. Hipsap managed to delicately chisel one off of the ground and carry it with a complex rope apparatus back toward the surface, and turned it over to Mab as treasure.

- The party saw a gigantic armor-clad guardian wielding a massive executioner's sword on patrol, and promptly decided to leave the dungeon. 

And lastly:

- The party wrestled with the decision of how to retrieve the massive opulent crown - valued at 44,000cp - without turning it over to Mab. It was far too large to hide on their persons and they were too wounded to try anything too risky. They resolved to bury it among the rubble and crystal growths in the Gilded Crossroads (area 3) and to return for it at a later date.

Next time: quick downtime recap, setting the stage for the current adventure, and then we will be caught up to the present!

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