Monday, October 23, 2023

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 02 Scarlet Downtime

Gus L., Tomb Robbers
    We left off with our intrepid adventurers concluding their delve into Murkvey's Rock. The Scholar Adipose Mab gave the party a 4,000cp bonus due to their successful efforts in scouting the tomb as well as two leads to further sites of adventure. The first was a treasure map leading to a nearby tomb that was said to be sealed by arcane forces. The second was a contract to continue working with her by surveying some sort of shipwrecked vessel that had crashed along the coast of the Ursine Dunes to the south. 


    They took their leave to consider their options and spent the next month holed up in Scarlet Town's Syndicator's Hostel, licking their wounds and pawning off the tomb loot they had slipped out beneath Mab's nose. They gained a small fortune in occulith, chipped gold, and pilfered jewelry. 

    The Downtime Turn's Event die called for a Trend - a rival company emerged in the region. A few days later a trio of seasoned adventurers rolled into town that the party recognized from Mab's Mule Train. The crew was helmed by none other than Halaena Graf, a dashing high-born duelist from the Core Imperium who had forsaken her noble station and struck out for the Crystal Frontier to follow in her grandpappy's footsteps and live a life of murder and plunder. She was accompanied by insectoid desperado Slinger Irr and her undead henchman, Seer Ghristoph. 

Yoshitaka Amano
    Worse yet, Halaena's crew seemed to have ingratiated themselves with Mab. Halaena herself bore an immaculate rapier woven of crystal and silver that she claimed to have pulled from the Rock, an artifact the party must have overlooked in their delve. She exchanged haughty words with the party, who returned them with equal venom, though they ultimately decided to spend the night drinking together, to which the slobbering Ghristoph replied by eagerly fetching tankards of ale.

    As the night wore on, the Company heard a Rumor - it was said that the esteemed bounty-killer Breezy Pete, a long-time fixture of Scarlet Town, had gone missing, and he was last seen 'riding up Rat Creek with the fires of vengeance blazing in his eyes'. The Hostel waiter Crucius was said to be the last to have seen him.


    From here the Company was free to do as they pleased. Window shopping occurred. Kestrel bought a pistol and an alchemist's kit. Eventually it became clear that the Company's coin was burning a hole in their pocket and they resolved to waste it as quickly as possible. (This is how you gain XP in Errant).

    The Company had amassed a solid amount of liquid wealth from their tomb loot and the referee in her infinite generosity allowed the players to engage in multiple rounds of Conspicuous Consumption without further advancing the calendar if they so desired. This may have been a mistake. 
    Hipsap emerged from the month unscathed and clocked in at a cool Renown 2 after spending the month engaged in frippery and/or obscurantism. 

    Kestrel and Gemini, instead, went gambling at the first seedy tent bar they could find. Kestrel's luck went bad and they amassed a small debt at the table, after which they called it a night, making it through with only a hangover. Gemini kept going. Gemini amassed nearly 4,000cp in debt and ended the night face-down in the gutter, beaten and robbed by the tent bar's owners and operators. "Remember the name," said the shadowy tough as he planted his boot on Gemini's back. "Remember The Innocents." They awoke with half of their health and all of their possessions missing except for a signed notice of money owed.

    Due to their raucous troublemaking both Gemini and Kestrel advanced from Renown 1 to Renown 3 in one session. All were pleased at the developments. The Company resolved to mull over their next course of action in the intervening weeks, concluding the month of Newfirst and the first arc of the campaign.

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