Sorceries Illumed & Fuliginous

 I got tired of having to search discord for these over and over again. All spells below are the property of one Hipsap Sanvalli were once the property of Hipsap Sanvalli and have since been lost to time. Unless? 

Unsolved Grimoires

Rat Sword: A column of many water-logged mutant rat corpses hammered into the shape of a blade, pulled from the depths of Rat Creek. To learn its sorcery, you must carry a grain of sand on your fingertip for a week entire.

Ancient Scroll: yellowed and flaking, inscribed with runes in an ancient language. To learn its sorcery, you must know what it is you must never know. 

Known Sorceries

Communicate Dimensions

Old, plain music box that produces no sound. Themes: silence, melody, listening

The sorcerer gains the ability to hear and speak in the ultrasubconscious antisonic frequencies which resonate between dimensions, allowing them to record the musics rebounding from alternate dimensions and play them back in the material plane. Inversely, the sorcerer can also cast messages through the psychic aether in the form of song.


  1. No sound can be produced around the caster.
  2. The caster is only able to comprehend language in the form of music.
  3. The caster’s hearing becomes superhumanly attenuated; any but the most minute of sounds overwhelms their senses.

Bless Body

Mummified cat's paw. Themes: toxin, psyche, affection

The wizard's humours are wracked by a toxoplasmotic scourge, aged a thousand years. The scourge renders the caster immune to all poisons and toxins of the flesh, in addition to generating amity between the sorcerer and a number of NPCs based upon the sorcerer’s RENOWN. These creatures are no longer bound to amity after the spell is depleted, but pacts, promises, and alliances forged under plasmosis may be extended into the future if the sorcerer is true to their word.


  1. All cats immediately attack the caster on sight.
  2. The caster reverts to the mindset of a toddler.
  3. The caster becomes unable to be loved.

Link Death

Bronze shield. Themes: armour, protection, integrity

The sorcerer designates a ward. An ephemeral mortal coil manifests between the sorcerer and their ward, linking their life essence for as long as the spell is maintained. The ward is shielded from hostile mind-altering effects, and all harm that befalls either the ward or the sorcerer will be split between the two equally.


  1. The caster refuses to wear any armour or other protective gear of any sort.

  2. The caster will always place themselves between their allies and harm’s way.

  3. The caster will always sell someone out or go back on their word at the first available opportunity.

Absorb Mind

Blood-stained, studded training muzzle. Themes: potential, domestication, savagery

The wizard devours the flesh of a creature and absorbs their counsel. The sorcerer restores 1d6 HP per every two RENOWN of the caster. Their consciousness then develops a perfect simulacrum of the devoured creature's thoughts, memories, emotions, and opinions at the time of their death, which the wizard may rifle through as a pilfered diary. The wizard may pose a number of questions equal to their RENOWN to the devoured mind, which is compelled to answer them to the best of its ability.


  1. The caster refuses to eat any plant matter.
  2. The caster will disobey any order given to them.
  3. The caster ends every sentence by barking loudly.

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