Saturday, December 23, 2023

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 08 Desert Crawl


- A whole lot of nothin'!


- Mab's treasure map lead to a strange crystal ruin sunken into the sands, its door sealed by some manner of sorcery.

- All traffic is halted east from Fort Auroch due to a mysterious murder by one traveling performer Yako the Blue, who is imprisoned in the Fort's dungeon.

We had a lowkey game of exploration and debating the best ways to murder three more people to sate the sword god's bloodlust.

We opened with the unveiling of Kestrel's surprising paint job - one half of the hoverbike was refashioned in a creepy neogothic Philippe Druillet ceramic face motif, and the other was painted like the Hatsune Miku motorcycle. Kestrel was impressed. Machine Kid gave him his card in case people asked about who did the work, trying to get his name out there as a designer.

The Village of Hog's keeper Jospel asked them to meet him in his gardens; the Company agreed. Jospel politely outlined his argument after offering the Company to partake of his motor oil - the biker gang was likely to retaliate due to the recent massacre, and they would be looking for the Company, so acting as the village's protector, Jospel needed the Company to make themselves scarce as quickly as possible. The Company found his logic sound and agreed to get out of town ASAP, which frankly surprised and relieved Jospel. 

They travelled the wastes on their new hoverbikes, riding east. They stashed their iron mule Mischief at the mysterious merchant's hut by Rat Creek. His necrotortoise packmule was conspicuously absent from the stables, but Pete's cyborg steed was still there. The company then set out enjoying the perks of covering ground at twice the rate.

They followed the treasure map given to them by Adipose Mab and arrived at a strange crystal ruin sunk into the central scarlet desert sealed by a blacker-than-black metal double-door. Some graffiti indicated Halaena Graf's gang had passed through recently; a broken hammer and chisel at the foot of the door and a hobo sign on the wall indicated that the door was likely sealed by some form of sorcery. Kestrel knocked on the door to no response. They gave the grounds a once-over, then decided to carry on in search of more people to murder.

More Gus L goodness

Riding southwest, they passed by a crumbled blue statue of an ancient monarch and spent the next evening camped atop a rocky mesa. During her midnight watch, Hipsap spotted a group of seven weary and well-laden tomb robbers with their two mules heading east on the road below them, but in a sudden fit of conscience, the Company decided not to get involved.

The next day they passed through towering red canyons painted with enormous ancient cave-paintings depicting strange lanky figures, then arrived at Fort Auroch. They found a large group of merchants camped around its gate, who gave them shifty looks and conversed in hushed tones as they passed. The Fort's portcullis was barred and the guards demanded they turn back, but they bribed their way in with some of the vintage pin-up magazines Hipsap had looted from the bikers previously. The bribed guard welcomed them to Fort Auroch and gave them the low-down: folks were testy for two reasons. The first: no passage was granted into the Crimson Canyons beyond Fort Auroch's eastern gate due to a wild rampaging angel on the loose. The second: a traveling performer from one of the stopped caravans, Yako the Blue, was being held in the Fort's dungeon after murdering a guard in cold blood.

Thus concluded the session. Seven days remain to sate the Sword God's curse.

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