Tuesday, January 23, 2024

winter dispatch


happy new year from the grotto!

    Life has been happening to me and my players and games have been taking a backseat, though we hope to be back at it next week. PDX was covered in a thick sheet of ice for a week but the sun is out now and I think I finally got a decent job offer (fingers crossed). We are so back.

    As usual I am involved in reading/playing/watching/making/listening to way too many things at once. In the meantime I have been playing Dark Souls 3 (which is fine but simply not as good or interesting as DS2) with my pal. I have been hankering for classic JRPG vibes and sort of completely missed the playstation era growing up so I started playing Final Fantasy VIII. I'm like an hour in. It's a chill time. I love to Junction a GF.

    Dia Lacina put out the best games essays of 2023. Read her pieces on gay MMOs and mecha shit if either of those are your jam.

    I'm watching a lot of Naoki Urasawa's Manben documentary series, which is free in its entirety on Youtube

    In manga I'm reading Ikoku Nikki (slowly) and YKK (the best). YKK is an all-timer. Beautifully crafted, love his environments, love the really subtly unspooling storytelling. I'm reading it in the new print collections and it's a treat.

    In fiction I finished Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses, which is Cormac McCarthy. Favorite fiction reads of last year were probably Sarah Schulman's Rat Bohemia and Shirley Jackson's Hangsaman, the latter of which I couldn't believe it took me so long to get to, perfectly eerie and prescient novel. Next up is probs Girlfriends by Emma Zhou or Casey Plett's On Community that I somehow missed when it came out.

    I'm plugging away at my little projects but not much to show yet. I'm practicing and letting things marinate. No rush.

    Til next time! Stay warm!

    - mir

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