Saturday, February 3, 2024

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 10 A Pete Retrieved

 Fatigue and unexpected circumstances cut this one short!


    - 50gp (Syndicator Hostel's reward for freeing Breezy Pete)


    We picked back up with Hipsap dead in the dirt and Gemini, Kestrel, and Yako the Blue astride the gang's hoverbikes. Fort Auroch was gathering its forces and moments from laying waste to the squatting mutant merchant groups. 

    Yako implored the party to lend their strength to his people's efforts against the soldiers. The Company responded by slaying the weakened clown where he stood, claiming the ninth and final soul to satisfy the sword god's bargain. They rode out into the night.

    They rode on and encountered a strange mutant butterfly person thing, who summarily joined the party, taking its place atop Hipsap's bike. It called itself Ottavi Pithoportha. The Company rode all night through a strange formation of seemingly-infinite monoliths (polyliths?) in the deserts and found themselves nearly back where they came at daybreak. They changed course and passed a massive swarm of slumbering hogs and made their way back to the cave at Rat Creek, where they had struck the deal with the sword god so many moons ago. 

    The ensorcelled Breezy Pete was busy picking over the corpses of duck-men for new sword components in the cave-temple's atrium. The sword god came to molten life in his statue form and told the Company he was impressed with the chaos they had sown across the land. With a flash of light Breezy Pete was released from his geas and dropped his swordsmithing materials. He immediately stuck his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out a greased comb, then ran it through his luscious hair.

    Pete was back, baby.

    The party each took a weird sword from the heaps as a souvenir. Gemini got a functional umbrella sword. Kestrel got a section of lead piping on a wooden hilt. Ottavi got something that was once a beautifully crafted paper-mache blade but was now a soggy mess of pulp, which they ate, like a weirdo.

    The ride home across the desert was uneventful and soon they returned to Scarlet Town's Syndicator's Hostel, where Pete bought the party drinks and was reunited with his boyfriend Crucius Dinommis a.k.a. Crucy D, whose job had kicked off this whole thing in the first place. Crucy slid the party their payment and promised that they'd eat free at the Hostel from now on.

    Thus the party holed up to ride out the rest of the month and take some well-earned downtime. 

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