Saturday, March 30, 2024

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 14 Prism Tomb Rising


> Nothing!


> One of the strange mummy being's phantasmal eyeballs was destroyed by Kestrel.


On that fateful day we returned with the Company in the midst of looting crystal tombs in a vast milk-colored chamber as gigantic prisms whirred and cast blinding light from the ceiling above. Immediately Kestrel struck out westward across the center of the chamber. Upon taking a step the glittering floor tile clicked into place and a searing light struck down upon Kestrel from above. Kestrel staggered back and collapsed into the looted crystal tomb, wounded, knocked unconscious, and half of their machine-eyes completely burnt out from the searing ray. Things were not looking good for the Company. Now warmed up, the prisms overhead began to crackle and whirr at a higher frequency.

In a fit of altruism Ottavi struck out on a north/south tile path to make a beeline for the wounded Kestrel. Likewise, the tile clicked into place beneath its feet, and another searing ray shot down. In a flash of light Ottavi was reduced to ash, becoming the second adventurer entombed in the Halls of the Damned.

All were stunned by the chamber's lethality. Gemini carefully picked his way across the diagonal, previously-travelled paths to retrieve the unconscious Kestrel and slung them over their shoulder, promptly leaving the deathtrap behind.

As they departed they immediately bumped into a wandering slime girl named Thalice Churmthal, a failed town crier and 1st renown Deviant errant, who was eager to help out these poor haggard souls.

At the chamber's doorway the mummy-wizard's spectral ocular -- a phantasmal eye of cold white fire -- bobbed and gestured toward the chamber, as if to indicate their work was not yet done. Kestrel responded by wagering that they knew the forbidden art of shooting and killing ghost eye orbs with guns, which succeeded, and the orb dissipated into nothingness as a faint groan seemed to echo throughout the tomb.

The Company kept their eyes on the prize and continued south toward the object of their quest, the stashed King's Crown. At the foot of the door was a slain and moldering corpse of a greenhorn adventurer they recognized as Tubbs, a long-ago fellow traveler and member of Adipose Mab's mule train. He looked as if he was slain by a million knives, covered in many shallow cuts. The door was barred on this side as if he was trying to keep something from entering from the south. The Company mused on the foul creature they did battle with (the bearowl) in like the first session of our campaign one thousand years ago in real life. They wondered if it had perhaps left young behind, or if it had itself been the young of some even larger creature... curious...

The Company made their way south and passed through a chamber where a foul-smelling sarcophagus sat filled with dark liquid, beyond which a staircase continued upward. In the nooks and crevices of the ceiling loomed glittering webs and they heard the clacking of sharp mandibles. Five dog-sized spider-creatures seemingly woven of glass loomed on the ceiling above and appraised the Company threateningly, eyes flaring. The Company resolved to make a break for it and run beneath them their sights still on the Crown. Thus concluded the session.

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