Saturday, March 23, 2024

deadSun -MAXIMAL- 13 Enter The Prism Tomb

This might go without saying, but for the uninitiated... spoilers for Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier abound!


    > Tunic of blue lapis lazuli (2,00cp, 1 slot)
    > Amethyst helmet (1,000cp, 1 slot)
    > Green jade bangles (1,600cp, 1 slot)
    > 200cp worth of Mummified Disquette parts (200cp)


    > The Company made the acquaintance of a gold-robed undead(?) being(?) chilling on a crystal pillar in a flooded chamber in the depths of Murkvey's Rock. 

    > The creature claimed it would deliver the the Orb of the King to the Company if they killed someone hiding within the tomb called The Sleeper. They could identify an entombed corpse as The Sleeper by the lack of purple stains upon its lips.

    > The creature seemed to control some strange phantasmal eye-orbs of neon purple flame. It sent one to accompany the Company on their errand.


    We picked back up with the Company dusting themselves off from battle with a phantasmal revenant within Murkvey's Rock, having swung by on their way to the Sleeping Place of the Feathered Swine to pick up a valuable treasure -- a King's Crown -- they had hidden their previously, during their delve months ago on behalf of Adipose Mab.

    They found themselves in a small hall with two pink Tomb Crystal coffins--one shattered and its inhabitant's remnants strewn about from their melee last session, one intact--and a towering silver statue of a warrior.

    They noticed the silver statue had an upraised hand that was crudely hacked off and deduced it likely was the work of their longtime rival, Halaena Graf, and that it was where she had found her cool sword.

    Ottavi commanded a swarm of bugs to carry its mace and smashed a hole in the second coffin's lid from a distance, saving the Company from exposure to Tomb Crystal; they did so, leaving the silver loop intact, and peered within after the dust settled, seeing nothing of obvious value on the entombed corpse. The Company left the coffin with its silver loop intact and moved on to the next chamber southwards.

    In the next chamber they found a stack of many small white coffins that had been haphazardly tossed about and a strange crawlspace in the corner, from which colorful light flashed irregularly; listening closely, Kestrel heard a strange revolving droning noise from the depths of the crawlspace. Kestrel sent their rat skeleton-bullet animal companion down the crawlspace. While they waited Gemini and Ottavi investigated one of the small coffins and found its contents delicately wound in burial silks, which they unwound carefully as they awaited the rat's return. 
    Inside the burial windings they found the corroded remains of some sort of copper and plastic machine emblazoned with two initials, C. D. They pocketed what remained of value in the parts.

    Kestrel's rat returned with its skeletal whiskers alert, indicating to the party that something interesting -- but partially dangerous -- lay beyond. Kestrel took the lead as the Company crawled on their bellies through the damp narrow winding corridor.


    The chamber emptied into the ceiling of a room flooded with black water, a pillar rising from the center, upon which sat a moldering gold-robed figure, which was orbited by two eye-like globes of phantasmal purple fire. As Kestrel surveyed the chamber from the narrow ledge, the crackling of the figure's ancient limbs echoed throughout as it raised its gaze to meet Kestrel.

    In a haunting wispy cadence the figure welcomed the Company, claiming it had been waiting for their inevitable return, which it had foreseen within its crystal pillar. It asked the party if they truly sought the Orb of the King, to which they said yes, hoping to avoid drawing its ire.

    The being replied that it was in possession of the the Orb of the King and it would bequeath it to the Company if they assisted with a simple favor. It mused cryptically that it was bound in disgrace due to the mockery of a foe which it called the Sleeper. It claimed that the Sleeper's disobedience brought it great dishonor and that if the Company could simply kill the Sleeper, the being would be able to give them the Orb of the King. When asking how they would find the Sleeper, the being noted that the Sleeper's lips would not appear frosted with poison as the others do. Ultimately the Company played along with the request to avoid drawing the creature's ire.

    With a gesture the being sent over one of its phantasmal orbs, claiming "its eye would light the way to their quarry", and the Company departed, crawling their way back to the tomb's halls.


    As the Company regrouped they felt a strange sensation of a double-diamond-like shape impressed upon the darkness behind their eyes. The phantasmal eye gestured for them to continue south, and they did so, Kestrel unlocking a bronze door to another chamber where a corpse sat slumped against a further southward door. The chamber branched off to a hallway and another bronze door, which the phantasmal eye beckoned them towards further.

    As they opened the next door they found themselves nearly blinded by a large chamber filled with unnatural bright white light. Gigantic prisms clicked and hummed as they cast the light from above onto an opulent tomb of glittering crystal tilework arranged in complex geometries. Five immaculate sarcophagi sat upright along the walls.

With aplomb the Company got to work, traveling the shortest paths to the closest three sarcophagi. Ottavi and Gemini recklessly smashed the Tomb Crystal lids; Gemini advanced to Tomb Crystal poisoning level 3, his eyes clouding with tiny crystal growths, larger shoots pushing out from his flesh. Kestrel opted for a more delicate approach in faceting the face of the third sarcophagus, but the ensorcelled material cleaved unexpectedly and shattered in their face, bringing them to Tomb Crystal poisoning level 1.

Within each sarcophagus was a beautiful Empyrean youth, gaunt and green-skinned and lanky. As the Company looted their grave goods (above) they heard a skittering sound from the walls and noted glimmering cobwebs looming in the wall's crevices, the hot milk-colored prisms still whirring in the unnatural sky overhead.

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