Wednesday, August 28, 2024



    Beatle (they), a tough Onychophoran (think sea slug velvet worm alien person) bodyguard with cyberarms and a motorcycle, willing to put in the muscle to get the job done

    Judith "Judy" Catisios (she), a slimy casino-dealer-turned-troubleshooter who can't help sticking her nose where it don't belong, big square glasses and shaggy hair and a beat-up 1998 suzuki carry

    Iffemeral "If" Alzasche (she/ze/zir), an athletic dog girl tennis instructor who moonlights as a mecha pilot in the criminal underworld

    After character creation I began by reading the following intro crawl text aloud, which I composed in a fugue state while sleeping on a futon, because roleplaying games are nothing if not an exercise in inflicting the depths of your self-indulgence on your friends:

    They say the Archon Valeria was slated to marry, but on the eve of her inauguration, her groom was lost to the stars. That same night she put on her mourning veil and locked herself away behind the Godjamb. That was seventy-two years ago. Since then she's made only the most token of public appearances, a rare wave of a gloved hand from a mecha-drawn carriage to reassure her people her heart's still beating in there, always flanked by her sworn order of knightly guardians, and always hidden beneath that veil. But it's her total absence that has proven her greatest asset, letting her coast through reelection after reelection, no candidate able to mount an offensive against her sheer inertia yet. 

    It's no wonder the hands-off approach is so popular around here. The city of Azimuth—its lush, teeming canopies, its waterlogged alleyways and crowded light-rail platforms and thousands of ramshackle-stacked secondhand storefronts and cantinas and common arcades, neon-drenched nightclubs, derelict factories, sweltering, humid apartments—hell, the people of Azimuth have long since learned to fend for themselves down here. Up in the Citadel, a few hundred reps and corpos jockey for scraps of Valeria's power, funneling whatever residue they can scrape up back to their cronies before they get backstabbed or reconglomerated again, never really able to get the gendarme to back them up.   

    Down here, though? Some folks will give you the same yarn—shit and misery, nothing but money and blood. But I gotta be honest. Lately I've been feeling like it's a different story. There's something about this summer—some kind of shift in the air, I can taste it, like white wine. It's like, there's nobody holding you back. Everything is up for grabs. And if you believed everything coming out of those swampwave radio transmissions, you might even think the whole world was about to shift right out from under you, like some kind of Better Heaven was just right around the corner. 

    I gotta imagine that's why these three are here sticking their necks out now — holed up in a karaoke room at the back of the Blonde Dove, Basin District, off the TriZe Lift 90q, paying by the minute for an encrypted audience with that ghost they call Three Pisces. But I guess there's no way to know yet—only a way to find out.


Three Pisces contacted the crew through a hacked jukebox transmission around midnight from a karaoke room in the back of an occult dive bar called the Blonde Dove. Three Pisces' sigil emerged from the darkness and brought with it the smell of the sea, the sound of the ocean.


Three Pisces (via)
No one really knows who's behind III.Pisces. People say it might be a higher-up in the planetary security complex, a corporate whistleblower dealing info on the sly, a rogue cryptovirus whose programming broke loose, or just some script kid hiding behind a web of proxies and a voice modulator. What people do know is that III.Pisces gets results. Simply paint the proper sigil in a triple-routed dark web corner of the Space and III.Pisces will pull the strings for you—that is, if you're willing to pay the price.

FAVORS: fix (illicit programs, classified documents, occult secrets), stable, shark



CUPBEARER (Jacob Earl)
The job was simple. Three Pisces was looking for the crew to retrieve a black box from an experimental mecha prototype, codename CUPBEARER. They provided detailed schematics on the model. The black box was refered to as a Memorial Drive and would be found in the nape of the neck of the war machine. The crew was told to contact Three Pisces upon its retrieval, and after the hand off they would each be paid 6 Kreds.

With the job secured the crew got down to business, revving up their vehicles and heading out for midnight rendevousz with their contacts as black rain poured down on the green neon-lit streets of Azimuth.

Beatle and Judy paid a visit to aluminum tycoon Priceless Vows, rolling up to her chataeu in the Aluminum District… while Iffemeral went down to the haunted docks along the bay to look for Kreevil Smoth.



Azimuth's premiere aluminum tycoon and heiress to a mecha industry fortune, Prim is used to getting what she wants. You'll often find her relaxing poolside on her climate-controlled chataeu's rooftop gardens, doted on by her entourage of cyborg servants and offworld concubines. Though the aluminum mines have long since dried up, Prim still holds massive sway in the star courts, and her cunning smile and deep pockets can get just about anything on or off Azimuth. 

FAVORS: stable, ride, fence

Buzzing their way through the gate, Beatle and Judy were greeted by Prim's skeletal cyborg butler Colonomus and led into the chataeu's vast immaculate plush parlor, a huge baroque couch and a roaring fireplace greeting them. Prim came down the spiral staircase, yawning, platinum hair up in curlers, and gave them what she knew. 

AGONY Ghoul (Kow Yokoyama)
The CUPBEARER mech had actually been spotted in action that same morning, and Prim had been fielding calls about it all day. Colonomus projected the grainy drone news footage into the dark parlor. 

Two mecha squads were engaged in a skirmish somewhere out in the jungle along the River Gryx. One unit was composed of a few AGONY Ghouls — mass-produced heavily-customizable four-legger light weapons platforms — led by a strange and immaculate centaur-shaped aluminum frame that danced through the air with grace and carved through the opposing squad. Zooming in on an emblem emblazoned on its shoulder depicting a bull with a banner in its mouth, Prim could give them a name: BEHEMOTH.

Mystery aluminum mech
(Bernard Chan)

They opposed a group of strange squat and tubular assault mechs, unusual models not found in public records, who provided fire support for CUPBEARER.

As the skirmish commenced, the aluminum frame carved through the opposing squad with a silver lajatang, but in approaching CUPBEARER, their tactics changed: they deployed grapple-ropes and stunning weaponry, seemingly attempting to capture it intact. CUPBEARER unhinged its jaw and unleashed a massive kinetic shockwave, sending every unit flying and cutting the camera feed as it squished the camera drone like a mosquito.

Beatle keyed into Prim's affect as she told them what she knew about BEHEMOTH — that they were some naive political group of upstart firebrands, that they were certainly doomed to failure, and no, she had no idea how they got their hands on one of her aluminum frames, and if she did she'd have already made a million off the free publicity. In between the lines—giving her the read adjective—Beatle noticed her blushing and fidgeting with her shawl, which they saw barely concealed a love bite on her neck. It seemed likely that Prim had taken a lover among their ranks, and that might have something to do with the mech, but maintaining their professional distance, neither Judy nor Beatle pushed the matter, and soon they were back out into the pouring rain.



Don't let that ruby red chassis fool you: KREEVIL SMÖTH isn't a top-of-the-line corporate-sponsored new model cyborg. He's an amalgamation of one-hundred-percent DIY recycled gutter trash, spruced up only by his own exquisite craftsmanship. A truly self-made man, KREEVIL knows the value of looking good, and he's renowned among Azimuth underworld for spinning gold from rusted second-hand junk. Just don't ask him where it came from.

FAVORS: chop, fix (recycled cyberware and jury-rigged weaponry), splice

Meanwhile Iffemeral consulted with KREEVIL SMOTH, a.k.a. THE VULTURE. She found one distributed consciousness-body of the ruby red cyborg in stasis in an abandoned crane box control tower office and its eyes flared to life as she approached. After passing up on an offer for a new upgraded cyberspleen, If got down to business. Iffemeral showed Kreevil some sketches ze had taken of the CUPBEARER schematics, which Kreevil recognized as an antique model that had been out of production for nearly a century. Each one had been decommissioned and its parts shipped down the river. If anyone was capable of getting an antique like that running, Kreevil said, it would be "Sister Eidi and her freaks from the Godjamb." Merely having to speak the name seemed to make the cyborg scoundrel uneasy… 

The crew reconvened at a bus stop in the Basin District around one in the morning, the night rain showing no sign of letting up. They resolved to catch up with beloved bad boy WINTER REEVES for more information on this BEHEMOTH group. Judy sent him a "wyd" text and he responded with a slew of emojis and sent his location. After a quick ride to the city's NuNEX — a massive transit center where all lines meet — they found him posted up with his boys at the back of a food court, knocking back diet soda and cough syrup.


Nobody runs it like Winter Reeves. The failson scion of the corporate family behind the debunked WorldEX project, all that he knows is living large. Brought up in the corporate boardroom, he's now living out his traplord fantasies with his boys, rolling deep on the socials, amassing consumer gadgets and dubious body mods, and strengthening his undeniable pull in the local scene.

FAVORS: date, shark, deal

Winter gave Judy the "what's up big sister" treatment, his dozen wallet chains jangling, his frosted tips frosty, his fresh neck tattoo looking excellent. When Judy asked about BEHEMOTH, one of his boys showed off a darkweb viral video of a massive silhouette lurking through the midnight jungle and flipping over a humvee. At the end of the video, that same emblem appeared, the bull with the banner in its mouth, but this time in crisp high-definition. Now the writing on the banner was legible. It read: Battalion Engage! Here Ends Morbid Eternity, To Heaven!

The video was uploaded from a burner account—apparently it kept getting scrubbed off the major platforms, but it kept popping back up. Judy dove into cyberspace on her technospecks and routed the IP address GPS coordinates off the burner, giving the uploader a sticky located adjective. It had been uploaded from a newly-renovated offworld gentrification neighborhood showroom complex just a few stops north-north east on the NuNex metro called FreshDev SubBlock QUARD 33-D, and it looked like the smartphone that posted it was still there, too. The crew made haste for the subway platform.


NuNEX was still crowded, even at this time of night, by people getting off work and getting on, commuters and overnight office shifters and goth kids headed back and forth from clubs and skeletal audodroids of all kinds. As the subway arrived and the crush of bodies poured onto the platform, Iffemeral was seized by a pair of arms from the crowd, and felt sudden white hot metal pushing into her back. A masked red-robed figure commanded in her ear, "MEDDLE NOT WITH WHAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND." The white-hot iron left her branded (sticky) with a strange cybersigilist symbol.

The crew sprung into action. If dove to the floor and activated her stealth suit and combed through the crowd for more assailants, parsing two strange armored goons with bulbous glass helmets who were toting heavy plasma blasters and lighting them up on Judy's HUD. Two quick shots from Judy's stinger pistol made short work of the parsed targets, a bullet to the dome shattering glass while blue fluid drooled out onto the concrete and the subway crowd went scattering.

Meanwhile Beatle grabbed the red-robed figure and held them by the neck over the crowd, the white-hot branding iron clattering to the floor. What did they say? Tune in next time to find out!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Leo Fox, Prokaryote Season


    It's been a hot minute. Where to begin? My life is radically different than it was last time I posted but that's not the reason we're here. We're here to upload our cosmic psychometry interiors to the arcanomainframe and jury-rig waterlogged mosses into our cranial uplinks by way of psuedomecha experimental expression systems. We're here for fucking computer games. Welcome to AZIMUTH

Over the past few weeks the gals and I held our first few sessions of humid hardboiled hypergothic hijinks using the beloved MECHNOIR/TECHNOIR by Jeremy Keller. We have been scheming on it for a bit! We're all a little familiar with the system it from listening to counter/weight but we're all new to playing/running it. It's got a lot going for it I'm into. 

    Months and months ago I wrote a wild DOOM-ish pulpy action move pastiche power-armored werewolf chaingun infiltration one-shot scenario that I had originally chalked up for use with FIST, which is an extremely slick little world-of-dungeons-style OSR-inspired new-school jam, the new hotness in high-octane homoerotics. FIST has a ton going for it and I still wanna play it some day—the way it marries lightweight random chargen with evocative flavorful options hits a sweet spot for me design-wise, and I'm in love with the kitchen-sink pulp scifi vibe and its role assignment system in particular. 

    That said after our run of Errant I wanted a break from running a high-character-lethality game and I grew weary of having to do things like think about numbers and roll dice for damage. And the more cyberpunk and mecha the scenario became the more that using MECHNOIR just simply made the most sense. It's a game about coming up with sweet adjectives with your friends. What's not to love. I'm also really stoked on its plot mapping system and admire the way it acknowledges that playing out conflict between characters is the juice of storygaming and gives you permission to totally ignore things like trying to describe the shape of a room.

    For this game we're returning to what I've been calling "a corner of MERIDIAN space." MERIDIAN was the setting for our beam saber campaign that ran from like 2021-2023 or something ridiculous like that that we built from the ground up using street magic. It's a place of anthropomorphized war machines, cyborgs and data ghosts, politicking duchesses, arcane ancient aliens, corporate sabotage, and grimy boots-on-the-ground autonomous communities. MERIDIAN was an icy far-flung planet dominated by an equatorial megacity and a range of offworld parties interested in its excavating the ancient technology beneath its surface. 

    One day I'll do an exhaustive lore recap for the archives. Look out for the tie-in feature film.


Guy Warley

If MERIDIAN was our system's Pluto or Uranus, I've been thinking of AZIMUTH as its Venus, in like, the '80s pulp scifi sense, a massive overgrown carboniferous jungle planet teeming with love and danger. So many seeds of influence have been planted it's hard to name them at this point. In the earliest stage I watched a heap of grotty 80s scifi and horror OVAs like Wicked City, Oedo 808, and Gunnm. I played one spectacular game of MAGNAGOTHICA: MALEGHAST and found myself returning to its illustrations a lot. I'm also really indebted to the imagination behind two spectacular comics, Daria Tessler's Cult of the Ibis and Leo Fox's Prokaryote Season, both of which are playing in an occult-y noir-inflected genre-space in unique ways that have been really influential to my daydreaming of AZIMUTH. More recently I'm into Ergo Proxy and like, listening to a lot of Evanescence. It's been a busy season over here at GHOUL HQ.

Cult of the Ibis

AZIMUTH has emerged as a grotty, built-up cyberpunk city nestled in a teeming jungle along the mouth of a river. It's got crumbling hyperspecific advanced late stage austerity capitalism and 80s anime retrofuturistic crunchy terminal aesthetics, searing green text on a black terminal background, and a whole mess of factions and ideologies. I want to make the environment play a distinct role, like the glacial wastes did for Meridian—it's oppressive, yawning, humid, waterlogged, teeming, crepuscular, never quite cut back enough to get the vines from growing back over your harbored mech's thrusters, who knows what lurking in its shadows. 

It's also goth as shit and packed with mechs.

Bernard Chan

    Geographically it's a mess of overgrown old districts, things stacked up against each other, rivulets running down apartment staircases and back doors that open into cantinas that open into holodiscos that open into crypts. Architecturally it's dominated by The Godjamb, a mile-high circuitous gate behind which looms The Silver Citaddel, the once-proud seat of the city's absent president. More on that in a bit.

With lethal quantities of daydreaming and a breezy session or two of street magic under our belt, all that remained was hashing out the ever-expanding Azimuth Transmission Master Table (which they recommend keeping to 36 entries… ha… ha ha… ), jury-rigging some vibed-out roll20 backgrounds, and chalking up some characters… and away we are! I likely won't keep session logs in as fine detail as I did for our Errant games but who knows. I'm nothing if not obsessive. Thus far we've just kicked off the initial mystery--a job concerning a lost prototype requested by the crew's shadowy handler, Three Pisces--which I'll chalk up the notes for as I prep for next session.

    That's all for now--til next time ghouls!