
welcome to my web page! 

my name is mir and I will be guiding you through the chaos regions of the latter-day kaleidoscopic Urth. I will mostly be posting tabletop gaming thoughts and notes for my ongoing campaign(s) here, but who knows what the future will have in store - stranger days are always on the horizon. click on the CYBERSTREAM tab above to get reading!

now spinning
            📖 - Moto Hagio's dreamy mystery Otherworld Barbara
💥- splatterpunk legend GFM's newest Cuckoo
📝 - technoir
📺 - 08th ms team + ergo proxy

recent highlights:
📗  - LOVE/AGGRESSION by June Martin (review)
🎮 - Killing Machine Loves Slime Prince by C.E.J. Pacian

 🤔you can also follow me on goodreads to stay current 🤔

shout out to pscave.com for the gifs!


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